
Reports and analyzes

19 June 2021

Psychometric tests in business

Today the success of a company and its survival in the market largely depends on the human capital, i.e. the potential inherent in employees. Therefore managers focus more and more on the competencies of their employees. Not only hard competences, but also soft ones are becoming increasingly important. Appreciation of the importance of soft skills of employees has contributed to popularization of using tools for their diagnosis in business. Such tools include, among others, psychometric tests, which are standardized tools for evaluating soft skills. The tests assess various aspects of psychological processes, such as functioning in a group, work style, motivation, character traits or professed values.

Based on research conducted by the PTP Institute for Business Development and the Psychological Testing Centre, it can be noted that psychometric tests are used primarily by medium and large companies, most often for recruitment and training purposes. The use of tests in the recruitment process stems from the fact that employers are increasingly interested in getting to know their future employee as well as possible. A properly selected test allows for making the right personnel decision when selecting candidates, as it provides a reliable analysis in terms of matching the candidate’s potential to specific predispositions desired for a given position. Having highly developed soft skills guarantees greater stability of employment and continuity of professional career. This is because only well-matched employees properly cope with professional situations, are more committed to the effective implementation of tasks entrusted to them, and as a result they feel more comfortable in their work environment and better identify themselves with the company. It should also be remembered that the selection of the right person reduces the costs of the recruitment process and also limits employee turnover. On the other hand, the analysis of soft competencies of the employee, defining their strengths and weaknesses, allows for planning a strategic approach to their development. Tests enable to assess the way of thinking or behavior, key motives of action, which together form a characteristic way of functioning for a given person. The results of such tests are a good starting point for improving the employee’s already outstanding competences (strengths), but also as a stimulus to raise and improve those competences that receive a low score. Tests are useful not only for planning the development of individuals, but also of entire teams. The analysis of personality profiles of team members allows to define the degree of their compatibility, complementarity, and also to determine the rate of their diversity. As a result, such actions foster better use of the individual’s potential, which contributes to increased efficiency of the entire department. That is why it is so important to examine employees in three main areas of soft competencies: emotional intelligence, professional values and thinking styles.

The FPL EQ® Emotional Intelligence Test is used for testing and developing emotional intelligence in organizations. It is dedicated to managers as well as employees. The test examines psychological, praxeological and social competencies. Additionally, it verifies the level of general competencies (i.e. commercial skills, stress resistance, assertiveness) and managerial competencies (change management, motivation or information management). With the help of the test we can effectively assess the level of personal competences in management, which determines the quality and effectiveness of the employee’s actions (by appropriate use of their predispositions, acquired knowledge and experience). Therefore, the test can be applied already at the recruitment stage. By examining the competencies and professional predispositions of employees or job candidates we can assess their adaptation to the requirements of the job in terms of emotional competence. Then the test is also useful in planning the career paths of employees. Because it gives a diagnosis of the current state of emotional intelligence of the respondent. And this can be a starting point for planning further personal development.

The FPL PV® Professional Values Test is a method of building motivation and improving organizational culture by identifying employees’ professional values. The test diagnoses, among other things, whether the work performed is consistent with the employee’s hierarchy of values and helps understand the motives of employees’ behavior. From among 16 given values, a dominant triad is distinguished, i.e. 3 most important and 3 complementary features. As a rule of thumb, a person engages primarily in those activities which in their opinion bring them the closest to realizing their most important values. The test can also be used in the recruitment and selection process because it gives the opportunity to compare the candidate’s hierarchy of values with the specifics of the position they are applying for, so that they coincide (because this will translate into greater productivity of the employee). In addition, the test can be used as an indicator to: guide the employee (because it gives the opportunity to adjust the type of work performed, so that during the implementation of a professional task the values most important to oneself are also achieved, as a result of which tasks are performed more efficiently and effectively), motivate (the information gained after the test allows you to adjust the content of the messages transmitted, so that by referring to the most important values for the employee to increase their commitment and personal satisfaction with the actions taken) and promote (the test allows you to gain knowledge of what criteria are guided by the employee when choosing a career path).

The FPL CS® Thinking and Communication Styles Test indicates the important role of thinking styles in the life of an organization. This tool allows you to learn about your own thinking styles, those of your co-workers, subordinates or customers. It determines the so-called cognitive functioning of an individual, i.e. the specifics of action and communication characteristic for a given person (e.g. to which stimuli the examined person is more sensitive, what is emphasized in statements, and also determines the type of information on which the examined person concentrates first). The knowledge gained on the basis of such a test allows us to better understand how a person perceives the world and how it influences their behavior. As a result, we can improve information exchange, reduce the number of unnecessary misunderstandings and potential conflicts. When recruiting new employees, the test allows us to assess a candidate’s cognitive potential both in terms of features that will be helpful and those that may hinder performance of tasks at a given position. Then, when mapping out career paths, the test can be used as an element of improving thinking styles or developing effective and efficient communication skills during training or coaching. The knowledge gained from conducting such a test will be particularly useful for a manager during team building. Thanks to the information about the way individuals communicate, we can base our thinking on styles that complement each other, which will result in more effective teamwork.

Psychometric tests are used at various stages and provide undoubtedly measurable benefits for both the employee and the employer. From the employer’s perspective, tests enable easy and quick comparisons between candidates or employees, help to assess the candidate’s predispositions to perform a given role, and increase the effectiveness of HR actions in decisions about promotion or training. Improving soft skills is also an undeniable benefit for the employee. The knowledge gained after psychometric testing makes it possible to stand out among others by building a specific advantage over the competition. Additionally, large companies create talent management programs, which usually qualify employees whose soft competencies are highly valued. It is also important to remember that an employee who develops soft competencies invests not only in their professional development, but also personal one. The contribution and involvement of employees is extremely important for the proper functioning of the company, as it increases the efficiency and productivity of any business.

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