Workshops to improve employee skills are essential in every organization. However, companies can not always afford long training classes lasting several days. Currently, one of the most interesting solutions which allow to enrich the set of used development tools and at the same time constitute an intensive and practical form of transferring information, are workshops in the form of pills. During the training, which lasts only four hours, participants gain condensed knowledge from a given area of soft competences. This method works especially well in manufacturing companies, where the production process cannot be stopped, and therefore the time for conducting the workshop is much shorter. Pills not only save a lot of valuable hours, but are also a much cheaper and faster form of training a larger group of employees.
When deciding to conduct a workshop in the form of a pill, you should take into account the fact that the limited time and form of training sometimes cause difficulties with group exercises. Therefore, it should be remembered that while workshops conducted in this manner are a recommendable form of staff training, it is not always the case. They prove to be an excellent element of a larger development process, which, if properly planned, may take into consideration the time limitations imposed by the company, and at the same time allow the participants to consolidate the newly acquired skills. However, it is important to pay attention to the areas and needs in which employees should be developed, when choosing the right training method.
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